
How To Set Up Sunsun Canister Filter 303b

Hey all,

And then, I got a SunSun 303B to supersede my broken Fluval 204. Information technology was most $88 shipped to my door.

You volition definitely run into that it is a knockoff past the poorly translated words and phrases. It starts with it being titled on the box every bit an Outside Filter as opposed to an External Filter.

So, here'southward the box

Hither'due south everything out of the box. Btw, I wear a size xiii shoe for size reference.

And here's the filter media and sponges/floss that came with it (I bought the philharmonic package that included media)


Here is a picture show of the lid with the UV lamp and comprehend installed.


Next upward is the media baskets and their order in the canister. Exist sure to rinse the media to become rid of whatsoever dust on it. I chose to utilise the blue sponge in the very bottom of the lesser handbasket (first) and put the bio balls on peak of it in the same handbasket.

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Next is a handbasket full of ceramic rings. The amount they sent was a scrap pitiful and didn't even fill half of the basket. Luckily, I had 10lbs of information technology that I program on using in my sump for my 220 (if I ever go the time to get information technology prepare).


Final basket I used all 3 pads of filter floss. I did not use the carbon.


And so I put the basket topper and the lid on.


At this point it was prepare to go. I already planned to do a water modify while installing the filter so I siphoned some tank water into the canister before starting it upward. With it being filled up with water, I constitute the large priming button on the top to work very well and a few presses of the push had it off and running. Se the picture of the spray bar with the catamenia below.


It is rated at 370gph simply I call back that must be with a completely empty canister. My estimate is later on all of the media is added the period is around 250gph. The media capacity is incredible though. If information technology were total of only ceramic rings and so I recall it could hold almost 12lbs of them.

Final few pictures here. This first one is the badge on the pump head.


Next motion-picture show is the SunSun 303B sitting next to my old Fluval 204.


Lastly, a flick of the filter sitting in front of my 29 gallon tank, that it will be filtering.


So, it is all up and running. As well, it is QUIET! I couldn't believe that I couldn't hear it at all over my air pump. It was extremely serenity.

The way the water flow works is the intake goes down through a tube that is built into the baskets, which too holds the UV tube. It gets to the bottom and then disperses and is drawn up through the filter media from the bottom to the top, and is then pumped back to the tank. The plumbing that came with it is pretty inexpensive simply the vinyl tubing is pretty nice. I didn't use all of the plumbing parts that came with it considering I idea that some of them were as well restrictive.

Information technology is very piece of cake to employ if you've ever use a canister before. Then far, I would definitely recommend it.

Let me know what you all think or if y'all have and comments or suggestions.

Cheers all

How To Set Up Sunsun Canister Filter 303b,


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