
Do Most People Care About The Animals Of The World?

We have a natural affection for animals. Animals bring out our compassion and curiosity. It's why zoos and expeditions are then popular. It seems we can't get enough of our favorite animals.

What follows is a listing of the globe'southward 10 favorite and most popular animals aslope fun facts and cool information nigh why nosotros honey them and so much.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Monkeys
A White-headed Capuchin monkey sitting on tree co-operative in the tropical woods in Costa Rica.

What is it about monkeys we love and so much that makes them one of our favorite animals?

Studies show the human brute is almost indistinguishable from the monkey. Over 95 percent of our Dna is identical. They shake their heads "no." Different the majority of pop animals, monkeys recognize their mirror reflections. They use hand gestures and laugh when tickled. Monkeys take smoked cigarettes, drank java, and eaten when stressed.

Their behavior and intelligence bring them and then close to humankind monkeys are a go-to for behavioral studies of humans. They're equipped to be service animals and take played roles in elaborate training that's taken the animals into outer space.

Information technology'south no wonder monkeys are extremely popular in zoos around the globe. The Smithsonian National Zoo is a great identify to see monkeys.

And here's a great place to learn more virtually why monkeys made our listing of popular animals.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Lion
Lions are the kings of the jungle considering of their raw power and strength. Lions fearfulness no other animals, and just in danger from poachers.

For thousands of years, the lion was the most popular animal in the world. Emperors and tyrants paraded them as imperial accessories. Today, lions are the second largest cat in the world, close behind the tiger.

Despite what we hear to the contrary, lions are not angry and aggressive. Social animals, lions live in communities of up to 30. The males are responsible for guarding the territory and cubs. They chase off intruders, mark spots with urine, and roar to ward off perceived threats.

In the pride, females practise the hunting. Smaller and more than active than males, they operate as a team to bring prey down. The lionesses class semicircles and herd toward the prey.

The cubs are extremely vulnerable. Easy prey to leopards, hyenas and jackals.

A great identify to see these big cats is the Bronx Zoo. You can likewise larn more nearly them here.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Shark
A Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) swimming over the reef. Sharks accept been swimming in the ocean for more than than 400 million years.


Once a yr, television audiences go wild over programs about the shark.

Mistakenly viewed as a horrifying beast, the truth is these popular animals are responsible for few human fatalities. Horses and cows are responsible for more human deaths per year.

There are over 500 types of shark, over 140 of those on endangered lists of favorite animals. The shark plays a major role in marine ecosystems. They swallow aquatic life that balances the food chain.

Sharks are found in tropical coral reefs, the deep blue sea and under the Arctic ice. In that location are unique animals like the hammerhead and the goblin, an unmissable shark with bright pinkish skin.

The smashing white is warm-blooded while nigh sharks are as cold-blooded every bit the waters they swim in. This distinction lets the great white move faster than its cousins.

The Georgia Aquarium has a rep equally a distinguished setting for sharks.

For shark facts, bank check out these nigh popular animals.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Bird
Blueish hummingbird, Violet Sabrewing, flying next to a beautiful red flower, sucking nectar in a tropical forest in Costa Rica.

Ondrej Prosicky/

On any listing of most popular animals, you'll detect the bird.

Birds are vertebrates and take adapted to flight for survival. There are species of bird who don't fly, like the penguin and ostrich, the latter of which is the largest bird in the globe. The smallest is the bee hummingbird, coming in at two inches.

The bird's anatomy is designed for flying. The shape of the wings creates lift. Wings have feathers that narrow to a point for rest. The foundation in the engineering of aeroplane wings follows the design of bird wings.

Birds are undoubtedly one of the most popular creatures in the world. The best place to come across these pop animals is in a bird sanctuary.

You lot can find more about birds hither.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Bear
Protective female brown comport, Ursus arctos, continuing close to her two adorable young cubs in the middle of grass meadow.


The bear is a lone fauna. They socialize merely when courting or when young. There are eight species of conduct and six are omnivorous. The outsiders are the panda behave who eats bamboo while the polar carry indulging in meat.

Despite a impuissant appearance, bears are fast. They'd have no trouble catching up to a horse, permit solitary a human being. The bear operates mostly through odor equally they take poor vision and hearing. Bears are stiff swimmers just not skilful climbers.

Exterior of the polar and giant panda bear, bears consume a lot of ants, tree seeds, bees, nuts, berries, insect larvae, and even flowers. It'south interesting to note such big popular animals can sustain themselves on tiny foodstuffs. They besides relish rodents, deer, fish, pigs, and seals. The Grizzly is famous for its fishing skills. And, for the record, many bears do relish honey.

You can discover a variety of bears at the San Diego Zoo. Also, get the scoop on bear facts.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Fish
Fish have been kept in aquariums since the nineteenth century. Here are colorful discus fish swimming in an aquarium.

Przemek Iciak/

Fish play a function in world economy and culture. They're ingrained in legend and myth.

We love fish (Neon Tetra) and fear fish (sharks). And we can't take our eyes off of them. It doesn't matter if it's the shimmering seahorse, goldfish, or tuna, we're at that place.

Regardless of the species, all fish share two characteristics. One, they live in water. Two, they are vertebrates. After that, the differences are phenomenal. Eels are slimy and worm-similar. Salmon accept gills and scales. Non all fish reproduce through eggs.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has over 500 types of fish on display. Find more details about these favorite animals here.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Horse
Horses have been domesticated more five 000 years ago and accept been working with man every since.


The bulk of the world's equine life is domesticated. The wild horse is pretty feral, the upshot of domesticated ancestors in their lineage. The Przewalski horse is truly wild. It's an endangered species localized in Mongolia.

The horse, up and running within hours of birth, is dear for its representation of liberty. Of all the animals we ride or use for labor, the nimble horse represents speed and agility. Its grace and beauty captivate usa. The brute is soft and approachable, strong and gentle. These popular animals are securely entrenched in our civilization, our religions and our mythologies.

While you lot tin find or ride horses anywhere, if you want to meet wild horses, check out McCullough Peaks. Until then, read more about horses.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Chicken
Keeping chickens is becoming increasingly pop in urban and suburban areas as more and more people are becoming self-sufficient.

Subbotina Anna/

Around the world, at that place are dozens of billions of chickens. That makes them the most populated species on earth, far outdistancing number two: humans.

Chickens were not originally bred for nutrient just cockfighting. That history makes the male person chicken is a tearing creature. The hen is a global symbol of fertility and nurturance. The rooster remains an icon of virility.

Chickens were companions of Roman armies. Co-ordinate to legend, chickens were fortunetellers. In 249 B.C., if chickens on a vessel refused to eat, information technology meant the crew was about to go into a battle they would lose.

It was the Egyptians who cultivated the chicken equally a source of food. They created the artificial incubation process. The product was a secret the Egyptians kept for centuries.

The Lincoln Park Zoo has chickens in its Farm-in-the-Zoo.

Accept a look hither to get more than facts to meet how chickens landed on this list of popular animals.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Cat
Cats are the most pop animal to go along as a pet in the world today. Here a beautiful kitten is playing in the garden.


Okay, so the felines are number two on our list of most pop animals. But they're actually the about pop animals in the world when someone's looking for a pet.

True cat lovers volition tell yous cats can share traits but each has its personality. Much of its behavior derives from early experiences or lack thereof. Cats tin be solitary creatures just appreciate human being companionship. A cat may need outdoor access. They are infamous wanderers.

These favorite animals are pretty much low maintenance. They don't necessarily need training, walking, supervised practise, etc. They do need intendance and attention. They volition fit into the busy lifestyle but that doesn't mean they don't demand you.

Cats thrive on varying interactions. They're just as probable to accommodate to a busy household as a small, single-person home. You can learn about the personalities of cats with a little research or through conversations with a vet or breeder.

Get more info on cat breeds hither.

Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Dog
Dogs can truly be regarded equally human being'south best friend! Here two white Jack Russell Terrier puppies are standing on a tree stump among imperial flowers.

History traces the domestic dog to pocket-sized foxes who grew larger as a result of evolving climate and weather. The genetic adaptation gave them greater hunting capability. This culminated in the species "Canis." That was a large wolfish creature that greatly resembled the beast sitting at the heel of dog lovers effectually the world.

The dog and humankind evolved together. They collaborated to live better together. Each species tailored its behavior for cohabitation.

Dogs kept an eye out for predators. They barked to alarm us of threats. The domestic dog ever followed aboriginal man, helping him go food and being satisfied with just the scraps.

Today, the dog is however human's best friend. Dissimilar the true cat, your dog'southward vehement loyalty is seen in the way he listens, follows, obeys, protects and more. A cat will never look at you with the affection a canis familiaris does.

Is it any wonder the canine tops our listing of favorite animals?

For more than on dogs, read this.

Next Upward: Can Chickens Fly?


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